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Low-level API


Want to add type annotations to a code base that makes use of argparse without refactoring all you CLIs? typed_argparse's low-level API allows to do that with minimal changes:

  1. Add a type Args(TypedArgs) that inherits from TypedArgs and fill it with type annotations.
  2. Wrap the result of e.g. your parse_args function with Args.
  3. That's it, enjoy IDE auto-completion and strong type safety 😀.


If you plan to write a new CLI from scratch, consider using the high-level API instead.

import argparse
import sys
from typing import List, Optional

from typed_argparse import TypedArgs

# Step 1: Add an argument type.
class Args(TypedArgs):
    foo: str
    num: Optional[int]
    files: List[str]

def parse_args(args: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> Args:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--foo", type=str, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--num", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--files", type=str, nargs="*")
    # Step 2: Wrap the plain argparser result with your type.
    return Args.from_argparse(parser.parse_args(args))

def main() -> None:
    args = parse_args()
    # Step 3: Done, enjoy IDE auto-completion and strong type safety
    assert == "foo"
    assert args.num == 42
    assert args.files == ["a", "b", "c"]

if __name__ == "__main__":

typed_argparse validates that no attributes from the type definition are missing, and that no unexpected extra types are present in the argparse.Namespace object. It also validates the types at runtime. Therefore, if the Args.from_argparse(args) doesn't throw a TypeError you can be sure that your type annotation is correct.

Feature Examples

Convenience functionality to map Literal/Enum to choices

When defining arguments that should be limited to certain values, a natural choice for the corresponding type is to use either Literal or Enum. On argparse side, the corresponding setting is to specify the choices=... parameter. In order to have a single source of truth (i.e., avoid having to specify the values twice), it is possible to use TypedArgs.get_choices_from(). For instance:

class Args(TypedArgs):
    mode: Literal["a", "b", "c"]

def parse_args(args: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> Args:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    return Args.from_argparse(parser.parse_args(args))

This makes sure that choices is always in sync with the values allowed by Args.mode. The same works when using mode: SomeEnum where SomeEnum is an enum inheriting enum.Enum.

class MyEnum(Enum):
    a = "a"
    b = "b"
    c = "c"

class Args(TypedArgs):
    mode: MyEnum

def parse_args(args: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> Args:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    return Args.from_argparse(parser.parse_args(args))

Support for Union (useful for subcommand parsing)

When implementing multi command CLIs, the various subparsers can often have completely different arguments. In terms of the type system such arguments are best modelled as a Union type. For instance, consider a CLI that has two modes foo and bar. In the foo mode, we want a --file arg, but in the bar mode, we want e.g. a --src and --dst args. We also want some shared args, like --verbose. This can be achieved by modeling the types as:

from typed_argparse import TypedArgs, WithUnionType

class CommonArgs(TypedArgs):
    verbose: bool

class ArgsFoo(CommonArgs):
    mode: Literal["foo"]
    file: str

class ArgsBar(CommonArgs):
    mode: Literal["bar"]
    src: str
    dst: str

Args = Union[ArgsFoo, ArgsBar]

On parsing side, WithUnionType[Args].validate(...) can be used to parse the arguments into a type union:

def parse_args(args: List[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> Args:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose")
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
        help="Available sub commands",

    parser_foo = subparsers.add_parser("foo")
    parser_foo.add_argument("file", type=str)

    parser_bar = subparsers.add_parser("bar")
    parser_bar.add_argument("--src", required=True)
    parser_bar.add_argument("--dst", required=True)

    return WithUnionType[Args].validate(parser.parse_args(args))

Type checkers like mypy a pretty good at handling such "tagged unions". Usage could look like:

def main() -> None:
    args = parse_args()

    if args.mode == "foo":
        # In this branch, mypy knows (only) these fields (and their types)
        print(args.file, args.verbose)

    if args.mode == "bar":
        # In this branch, mypy knows (only) these fields (and their types)
        print(args.src, args.dst, args.verbose)

    # Alternatively:
    if isinstance(args, ArgsFoo):
        # It's an ArgsFoo
    if isinstance(args, ArgsBar):
        # It's an ArgsBar

Work-around for common argparse limitation

A known limitation (bug report, SO question 1, SO question 2) of argparse is that it is not possible to combine a positional choices parameters with nargs="*" and an list-like default. This may sounds exotic, but isn't such a rare use case in practice. Consider for instance a positional actions argument that should take the values "eat" and "sleep" and allow for arbitrary sequences "eat eat sleep eat ...". The library provides a small work-around wrapper class Choices that allows to work-around this argparse limitation:

from typed_argparse import Choices

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        choices=Choices("eat", "sleep"),

TypedArgs.get_choices_from() internally uses this wrapper, i.e., it automatically solves the limitation.